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Home of Gutter Helmet

Water Damage Is Home Enemy #1

Misdirected rainwater caused by full, leaky gutters can do significant damage — even long-term structural damage — in a very short time. However, Gutter Helmet’s patented system only allows water to enter your gutters. The gutter screen is different from Gutter Helmet in many ways. Gutter Helmet has a solid cover that prevents anything from falling into the gutter, while a gutter screen allows small pieces of debris and leaves to penetrate through the gutter screen and get to your gutters. Leaves, twigs, and all other gunk stays out! Keep your gutters debris-free, while repelling annoying infestations caused by birds and pests.

Gutter replacement costs can be very high if gutters are not well protected. With Gutter Helmet, we guarantee that when you put our products on your home, you will never have to clean your gutters again. You will never have to worry about gutter replacement costs again.

Gutter Protection El Dorado KS

Ultimate Home Protection

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Our patented helmets have rounded edges that extend beyond the gutter, allowing rainwater to flow over the edge and around into a slit, while leaves, twigs, and other gunk stays out!

For a one-time cost, professionally installed gutter covers offer homeowners several advantages:

  • Maintenance-free
  • Remarkably affordable
  • Keep clogging foliage, ice and other problems at bay
  • Prevent water damage to your house

PermaLife™ High Performance Coating for Gutter Helmet in El Dorado KS

PermaLife™ High Performance Coating

Constructed of durable, but lightweight aluminum, Gutter Helmet is protected by a patented PermaLife finish available in multiple colors. The textured finish provides ultimate protection from harmful elements like acid rain and will never become discolored or stained. Lifetime Guarantee!

Customer Testimonials

Advanced Home Solutions

974 SE Pioneer Rd
El Dorado, KS. 67042

Phone: 316-322-0035


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM